The average distance from Da Nang to Pleiku is 228 kilometers. The flight will depart from Da Nang International Airport at 19:25 PM and will arrive at Pleiku Airport at 20:20 PM. There are 5 flights per week fly out of Danang to Plieku on Tue, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun . The flight depature from Pleiku at 21:00 PM and arrive at Danang at 21:50 on Tue, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun.
The average flight time between Da Nang and Pleiku is 50 minutes. Vietnam Airlines is currently operating 1 daily flights from Da Nang to Pleiku. On average, the price for one-way air ticket from Da Nang to Pleiku is 1.100.000 VND for Economy Class , with the smallest aircraft operated by Vietnam flying between Pleiku, and Da Nang is a ATR with 64 seats, the airmiles is 143 miles .